Candida Yeast Infection And The Metal Toxicity Connection

 Candida Yeast Infection And The Metal Toxicity Connection

The pervasive existence of deleterious chemicals and noxious metallic elements in our surroundings, medications, dietary intake, and even within the confines of our dental fillings presents an immense challenge for our bodies to efficiently expel these toxins. This predicament initiates a relentless cycle, culminating in a myriad of symptoms and health complications, one of which is the manifestation of yeast infection symptoms spurred by the overgrowth of candida albicans.

Accumulation of chemicals and toxic metals within the body can precipitate hormonal imbalances, genetic modifications, breakdown of the immune system, compromised elimination processes, delayed healing, skin maladies, allergic reactions, and impairment of nerves and the brain.

The existence of heavy metals such as lead, silver, and mercury in the body—derived from dietary sources, the air we breathe, medications, and dental fillings (comprising 50% amalgam)—creates an acidic and anaerobic milieu, devoid of oxygen. This setting serves as a breeding ground that fosters the overgrowth of candida yeast.

In instances of a surfeit of toxic metals in the intestines, the intestinal lining produces excess mucus to impede the absorption of metals into the bloodstream. Unfortunately, this surplus mucus begets an environment lacking in oxygen, thereby fostering the unbridled proliferation of bacteria and fungus-like entities, including candida yeast.

Additionally, candida forms bonds with heavy metals, even within amalgam fillings, experiencing unchecked growth as the body endeavors to shield itself from heavy metal toxicity.

Embarking on a profound detoxification of metallic elements, coupled with the gradual replacement of amalgam dental fillings with safer alternatives like white fillings, stands as one of the pivotal and foundational measures in combatting candida yeast infection and reinstating equilibrium within the body.

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